The Skinny

How To Row On Zwift
In our pain cave, in addition to the trainers and treadmill, we also have a Concept 2 rower. Although Zwift has not really implemented rowing on the platform(and they don’t plan to anytime soon), you may have heard that you can row on Zwift with a Concept 2 rowing machine. I have done it a few times myself just to see what it is like, and it works pretty well, the only issue is when your activity uploads to Strava it will upload as a ride not row, and if you switch it to a row, the pace will be messed up. A work-around to this is later on in the article. Here is a step by step article on how you can row on Zwift.
Download Painsled/RowedBiker
To row on Zwift you will need one of the two apps, Rowedbiker(Link to google play version: Google play version) or Painsled(link to google play version: Google play version), both work pretty well but I prefer to use Rowedbiker. You can also find both of the apps in the Apple app store.
Connect Rower
Once you have the app downloaded and open, hit the menu button on your Concept 2 rower (Note: This is only compatible with the PM3 head unit or newer). Once you are in the main menu, hit connect. The screen will then say whether it is already paired to a device, if it is and it’s not the one you want to use, then hit disconnect, and then reconnect.
Connect Zwift
Once you have the Concept 2 rower paired with the app, you should be able to pair your rower/device to Zwift. You will need one device running Rowedbiker/Painsled, and one running Zwift. You can also use this as an Ant+ Heart Rate Monitor(HRM) bridge. It is a painful process to bridge the HRM, but if you really need to use a Heart Rate Monitor, then this is a way to do it. You can pair a HRM to the Concept 2, pair it to the RowedBiker app, and then it will pair to Zwift as the name of the device you are using, along with the model number(ex; iPad 7th Gen 128428). A more in depth article on bridging Ant+ and bluetooth can be found on this article: How To Bridge Ant+ and Bluetooth Zwift.
It would be great to see rowing on Zwift eventually but I think we will have to wait a bit longer to see this implemented. Thanks for reading and I hope you found this article helpful!

New Product Launch: A Guide to Our Pro Percussion Gun
Targeted massage therapy is one of the best ways to treat your muscles after an intense workout. But, it’s also an effective method for preventing muscle soreness overall. The bottom line here, you need a percussion gun in your life.
Our brand new, Pro Percussion Gun is a highly portable tool that allows you to treat your muscles with percussion therapy. We created this percussion massager to prepare muscles before a workout but also enhance recovery efforts post-workout. It can also be used at any time to treat regular muscle soreness.
The Pro Percussion Gun is customizable and made to fit your recovery needs. If you’re interested in adding percussion therapy to your recovery efforts or in learning more about why percussion guns are the next best thing, you’ve come to the right place! Keep reading for our guide to the new Pro Percussion Gun.
Why Percussion Therapy Works
Your muscles work hard for you. Sure, they complain sometimes, but for the most part, they treat you right. The occasional massage or foam roller or cupping session does work wonders, but regular myofascial treatments keep muscles loose. This means less injury risk during your workouts or races, and even less strain from everyday activities.
Percussion therapy with a percussion gun uses quick, tapping motions with varying pressure and speed to target specific muscles and connective tissue. Because percussion guns are small, handheld devices, you can pinpoint exact areas that need help and really zero in on just that spot.
Just a few minutes in affected areas can relieve tension and tight muscles. But, when used properly, a percussion gun can also activate muscles before any activity. Again, injury prevention… It's a wonderful thing!
Percussion guns also work to increase blood flow. This is indeed a huge benefit for pre-fitness warmups, but also just great for overall wellness. Increased blood flow is always a good thing! Proper blood flow promotes a healthy heart and prevents diseases.
How to Use a Percussion Gun
Remember, you’re adding percussion therapy to your existing routine. It shouldn’t replace your usual stretching or other components of your pre/post workout priming or mobilization. When you use the right percussion gun you can reap all the benefits in right around five minutes of treatment.
Generally, 30-60 seconds is the right amount of time to spend on each area before or after (or both) your workout. You don’t want to spend too long in one spot, that’s just going to add soreness. But, not enough time won’t have the same benefits. It’ll be up to you to find the sweet spot in that timeframe.
Of course, areas that are more sore will require a little extra time, while those that are just needing a quick once-over won’t need nearly as much time. But no less than 30 seconds, no more than 60, is a good rule of thumb. Once you’ve used your percussion gun a few times you’ll get used to the feeling and you’ll be able to adapt your routine accordingly.
Post Workout Percussion Treatment
Your muscles just got a heavy dose of oxygen during that last workout, so when you stop, they’re not receiving the same flow… and they don’t love that. Keep your muscles happy with just under a minute of targeted percussion therapy to each major muscle area. This keeps the oxygen coming, so muscles can recover in their own time.
Pre Workout Percussion Treatment
Muscles are tight before you work out, especially in cold weather. You probably have already learned the hard way, that tight muscles lead to lots of soreness down the road, and worse, even injuries. To prevent strains, sprains, and other soreness, work your muscles with a percussion gun. For pre-workout percussion treatment, stick to a shorter time frame.
When Not to Use a Percussion Gun
If you’re already injured, don’t use a percussion gun without checking in with your doctor. Also, this might go without saying, but skip any areas that have burns, scrapes, cuts, or even bruises. Because, ouch! Percussion guns deliver quick little jabs to the area, and that would not feel nice. It can also add more time to your recovery mission, so just don’t do it.
It’s also important to not overuse your percussion gun in one area. This will add more muscle pain, something that we’re trying to avoid in the first place.
Using the Pro Percussion Gun
Taking your percussion therapy on the road has never been easier, thanks to our Pro Percussion Gun and its long-lasting battery life. Just finished your morning swim? Your Pro Percussion Gun fits right in your gym bag. Wrapped up your fifth tri for the season? The Pro Percussion Gun doesn’t need a cord and outlet to start the recovery process. Done running errands with the wild kids? You guessed it… just keep your Pro Percussion Gun in the car for a few minutes of much-needed R & R. It truly is a tool for everyone to use anywhere!
Many percussion guns have a couple of settings to choose from, but our’s has six settings. Yes, six! You can customize your percussion treatment depending on what you need at that very moment. Post-race recovery might call for a higher setting, while your nightly calf massage might need something a little more gentle. With the Pro Percussion Gun, you’re fully in control.
Inside the travel case that comes with your Pro Percussion Gun, you’ll find six interchangeable heads for your percussion gun. These are easy to swap out and use to deliver a more targeted hit. This percussion gun has a 12 mm amplitude, so you can access deeper points or more broad areas when you swap out the heads.
Add Percussion Therapy to Your Fitness Routine
It might sound too good to be true, but you really can increase your blood flow, release muscle tension, and prevent possible injury with just one, easy-to-use tool. And, our Pro Percussion Gun comes with the Ironclad two year protection you’ve already grown to know and love from all of us at Speed Hound. Visit our website to shop our Pro Percussion Gun, and other products to help boost your recovery game!
Make it Count: 6 Tricks to Help You Create the Perfect Rest Day
It might feel like seven days of training is the best way to reach your goals, especially for those of us tri-minded athletes. We’re a busy breed- it’s hard enough to rest our brains, let alone our bodies, right?! Taking a day off just doesn’t seem like an option. And during tri season- forget about it!
Including at least one regularly scheduled rest day in training, routine isn’t just a dedicated 24 hours to snacking, sleeping, and binge-watching tv. Seasoned tri vets know that’s just about the quickest way to undo months of work. However, including a full day of carefully planned rest, i.e., an actual “rest day” is an essential piece to your training program.
Whether you’re a new everyday athlete that’s looking for a little guidance on the whole rest day situation, or you’ve done countless tris and you’re working with a coach, but want to boost your rest day plan, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading for our 6 tricks to help you create the perfect rest day- just stick around!
Understand the “Why” Behind Rest Day
So you know you should be resting… but why exactly is that? It might seem like seven days a week isn’t really enough to achieve your goals as it is, so why should you dedicate one of those to resting? The answer is simple- science says a rest day is one of the best ways to ensure you reach your goals while keeping your body (inside and out) in great shape.
Here are a few key reasons why a rest day is not an option, it’s a requirement
- Prevent injury.
- Give your brain a chance to catch up.
- Avoid the plateau.
- Catch up on sleep.
Not allowing yourself to focus on each of the above reasons will eventually set you back in your training program, ultimately affecting your overall goals. So don’t test your limits. Add a rest day to your routine!
Know the Difference Between a Recovery Day vs. A Rest Day
Recovery days, although equally as important as rest days, aren’t exactly the same thing. Recovery days are structured to help you recover after a long stint of hardcore training, or after an event.
They’re also not usually just a day, they’re usually an entire recovery period. And these need to be planned very carefully with your coach.
Rest days are exactly what they sound like- rest. No workouts, no timed anything, just strictly resting. But stay tuned for more on recovery days, we’ll have more to say about that in a post further down the road, because we know our way around a recovery routine, too.
Change Your Rest Day Mentality
For some of us, rest just isn’t really a thing. This is where you need to pivot and work on changing your focus just a bit. Instead of thinking of a rest day as a wasted day of training, or a day to do nothing, think of it as a day to train your brain.
We can all agree that without a fully functioning brain to guide our bodies, our training days aren’t really going to do much good, right? So shift your focus a bit, and think of it as a mental health day. A brain-building day. If we’re giving our muscles dedicated days to grow and develop, surely our brain deserves the same.
Focus on Rest Day Nutrition
Yes, nutrition should absolutely be a focus every single other day. Your daily meals are already tailored to give your body the fuel it needs for your workouts and training. However, oftentimes during your training regime, you’re focused on balancing your training/work life and nutrition comes in the form of what you can eat on-the-go, or even prepare ahead of time.
We can’t tell you exactly what to eat, that’s a very personal plan that you have to discuss with your trainer or other medical professionals. This is all very dependent on where you are in your training vs. fitness goals process.
When rest day rolls around, take the time to prepare your meals with the thought and intention you don’t get to deliver on your most busy days. You know… slow your roll just a bit. Enjoy the process. Even if you’re not a self-proclaimed home chef or foodie, there’s something still very therapeutic about going through the motions of cooking. Smell the smells, find joy in the measurements, and just be present with your rest day nutrition.
You can also take your rest day meals a step further and find local restaurants and cafes that serve the food you’re looking for. Try something new! You never know where your next favorite rest day meal might pop up.
Up Your Rest Day Technology Game
While you’re having a brain-building day, your muscles should be indulging in all the best relaxation tools to make the most of their time off. Take advantage of some of the new recovery tools available to help take rest day to a whole new level.
Percussion Guns
These fantastic therapy tools are meant to provide targeted muscle therapy for immediate relief from tight muscles. They can also be used to activate muscles before a workout- so a percussion gun isn’t just a rest day thing.
Choose a percussion gun that has highly customizable settings, so you can easily transition from rest day to training day. Also, percussion guns with multiple attachments will be your new best friend. This helps ensure you’re able to be as accurate as possible with your therapy.
A percussion gun with long battery life is another absolute must. Rest day is a great time to take advantage of getting out and about and absorbing the sites in your hometown, so being able to take your percussion gun with you just makes the whole day that much better.
So where can you find a percussion gun that checks all of these boxes? It sounds like a unicorn, just impossible to find! Until now… our Pro Percussion Gun does all the things! Not to mention, it comes with an Ironclad 2-year protection you already know and love from The Speed Hound.
Recovery Systems
Dynamic compression therapy is one of the best ways to take advantage of your rest day time, and to pack as much recovery into these days as possible. And you can do it in your own home!
Our Pro Performance Recovery System provides on-demand, dynamic air pressure that massages your legs after workouts so you're fresh and ready to take on tomorrow… keyword being tomorrow, because today is a rest day, remember?
You can make your rest day a state-of-the-art event with either of these tools. When you add either of these- or both- to your rest day routine, you’ll never question rest day again. Ever.
Decide on the Best Rest Day Frequency
This is another one of those things that you should talk to a professional about before you commit. Usually, one day a week is a good rule of thumb for adding a rest day to your routine. But, you might need to ramp that up, or scale back, depending on a few different factors.
When you chat with your coach or doctor about how often you should be taking a rest day, be prepared to consider the following
- How long have you been training?
- What’s your fitness level at that very moment?
- Health history, including any potential hereditary issues or underlying medical conditions.
- Your overall physical health… and mental health!
- Do you have any outside stressors that could impact your training?
- How often are you training?
Of course, these are just a few things to consider. Medical professionals and trainers will guide you through the process and gather plenty more information, but these are usually a few standard things to think about.
It’s also worth noting here that you have to be 100% transparent and honest with disclosing this information to your team. It’s truly the only way to make sure you’re going to get the safest plan that works best for you.
Final Thoughts
See?! That wasn’t so bad! Rest doesn’t have to be a four-letter word! Once you change up your rest day mentality and focus on the active parts of what happens during these recharge days, then you can start to reap the benefits.

What is Dynamic Compression Recovery and How it Can Benefit You Right Now
Living with muscles soreness, pain, and swelling might seem like it’s inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be. Sure, some of this pain is natural whether you’re recovering from surgery or even your training regimen. But pain doesn’t have to be permanent. In fact, there’s something out there that you can use right now to remedy these issues.
Ice baths, cryotherapy, stretching, massages… what haven’t you tried for recovery? The options are truly endless. And it seems like every day we’re learning a little more about the best recovery methods for those of us living the everyday athlete life. If you’re ready to get serious about your recovery, then dynamic compression, a.k.a intermittent pneumatic compression, is an option worth exploring.
Compression therapy via recovery boots and dynamic compression, is a way to maximize each moment of your recovery, using a specialized system to stimulate both superficial and deep veins in the lower extremities of your body. This increases blood flow and targets areas that otherwise don’t receive a lot of attention. Just 30 minutes of using intermittent pneumatic compression is equivalent to six hours of natural recovery.
Hoping to cut your recovery time in half after you’ve just completed another tri? Compression therapy can help. Living that work from home life, but not loving the side effects of sitting in a chair all day? Yep, a compression system will help boost your recovery, too.
If you’re interested in taking your recovery to the next level, and letting go of those aches and pains, then you’ve come to the right place. Stay tuned for all the details on using dynamic compression, whether or not it’s right for you, and how to integrate it into your life the right way.
What is Dynamic Compression Recovery?
Compression therapy using a pneumatic compression device (i.e. compression boots) is a fantastic recovery option that requires very little effort, but the impact is huge. Blood flow is not only important to your athletic performance, it’s literally what keeps us alive, right? The overall goal here is to get blood flowing back to the heart- while there are multiple ways of doing this, using a compression system is hands down the fastest.
Massage therapy as a means of speeding up recovery through boosting flow has been on the recovery radar for awhile, but we now know there’s something even faster and more efficient… enter dynamic compression recovery.
A compression system, usually worn on the body’s lower extremities, the blood vessels are constrained at just the right frequency to prevent any swelling while sending blood all over the body. Without compression recovery, the body is responsible for doing this all on its own, at its own pace, so using a recovery system to do this for you gives the blood vessels a little encouragement to get the job done faster, and more efficiently.
Gently compressing veins at a controlled rate also prevents them from expanding and contracting on their own, which over time makes the walls more thin, causing future blood flow issues.
Compression therapy has been around for some time, but until recently it’s been mostly in hospitals as a post-surgery means of recovery. Now there are recovery systems available for use in your own home, so you don’t have to be recovering from major surgery in order to reap the benefits.
Here’s just a quick breakdown of what exactly compression recovery can do for you:
- Reduce your pain level from muscle soreness and stiffness.
- Increase overall flexibility.
- Cut your recovery time in half… if not more! That means more time for the good stuff.
- Prevent lactic acid and metabolic waste from building up by promoting circulation- less toxins sitting in the blood is always a good thing.
Basically, you’ll notice a change for the better after adding a recovery system to your daily routine.
Compression Socks vs. Dynamic Compression
It’s worth noting here that there are multiple types of compression therapy out there, one of them being compression socks. This might be one of the most common methods of compression therapy, as it’s so widely available and easy to find.
While compression socks do add an extra level of support by encouraging blood flow, they don’t have the same benefits of compression boots, or a compression system.
Who Should Use Compression Systems
A compression system is really for anyone in need of recovery from something. Whether you’re a triathlete looking to get your body to bounce back after an event or you’re experiencing poor circulation from an illness, dynamic compression recovery can help.
Chronic venous insufficiency, or CVI, happens when the walls of veins become weak. This leads to all kinds of health issues, some of which are very visible (oh, hello, varicose veins) while others are harder to find until they’ve caused other issues. Decreased blood flow to any part of the body is incredibly dangerous, and not worth the risk.
Using a compression system helps prevent this sort of health issue before it becomes a problem. Being proactive with your health is always of the utmost importance.
At any time, 3-11% of adults are experiencing some sort of complication as a result of CVI- sometimes it’s in the form of skin discoloration, other times it’s swelling. But most of the time, these issues are the result of a more superficial CVI issue, not one that’s buried deep in the veins. Therefore using compression therapy is a great remedy, or preventative tactic, for keeping these issues from arising.
Here are just a few folks that might benefit from dynamic compression recovery systems:
By slipping on a specialized boot that targets the legs or hips, a compression system is able to slowly inflate and deflate, encouraging blood flow, and sending anyone wearing it down the path to a faster recovery. Using an external compression system can also help reduce future injuries through increased flexibility and circulation.
How to Integrate Compression Therapy Into Your Recovery Routine
Once you’ve discussed compression therapy with your doctor and decided it’s the right option for you, then you’re ready to get started. Compression therapy is a relatively easy way to recover, all you have to do is sit back, relax, and let your recovery system do the work.
Choose a Pneumatic Compression System
This is the device that will be responsible for all of the work, so choose wisely. While these are a pricey investment upfront, they’re well worth it. The second your blood flow regulates and you reap the benefits, you’ll be happy with your purchase!
Here’s what you should look for in a recovery system:
- Correct sizing: make sure the system you choose comes in sizes that will fit you properly. There’s no one size fits all here. Proper width is extremely important in order to achieve the proper compression. There has to be enough space for the air pockets in the garment to fully inflate, enabling full compression.
- Adjustable settings: the device should have multiple settings, so you can adjust accordingly. You have to be able to adjust the pressure according to the day, your activity, and which muscles are needing attention.
Why the Speed Hound Pro Performance Recovery System is a Great Option
Not all compression therapy devices are created equal, which is exactly why we considered each and every element listed above when coming up with the design for our Pro Performance Recovery System.
We consulted with experts, asked the pros, and considered what you, our everyday athlete, wants and needs from a recovery system. Then we came up with a design that’s inspired by the best compression systems on the market, only better. We weren’t going to settle for a product that did the job, we wanted our recovery system to stand out in the crowd, rise above the trends, and just be all around better. We did our research, and created a highly adjustable, quality system that functions with complexity and accuracy, with a simple, easy to use interface. The system itself should be the only thing doing all the thinking. You already put in enough work, your job from here should be to sit back and recover.
So let’s cut to the chase. We know our recovery system is a fantastic option for anyone interested in a faster road to recovery, from a health perspective as well as an improved athletic performance perspective.
But how do you know it’s worth it for you? Don’t worry, we made a list of all the reasons:
- The boots for our recovery system are offered in multiple sizes- two different lengths and three different widths . Tall, short, wide, or thin, one of these is the best fit for you. Not only are we available to chat and help you navigate your way to a proper fit, we’ll also be happy to exchange your boots for another size, if you find they don’t fit just right.
- Our recovery system has settings that allow you to customize your compression. We feel that it’s important for you to be able to adjust the settings according to your goals for each session, from various speeds to even targeting certain areas of the lower body. The settings can be adjusted for warm-up or recovery, and it’s 100% dependent on what your body is telling you.
- Quality material… check. When we created our system, we considered the fact that not everyone has time to isolate in a room while they recover… i.e. accidents happen. Which is exactly why we used lightweight materials that are super easy to clean, but also materials that are in it for the long haul.
- The Pro Performance Recovery System is FDA approved, after rigorous testing for safety, efficacy, and quality. We approached this testing from every angle to ensure we’re putting out a product that we use ourselves, and we’re proud to share with others.
- We actually care about your recovery, and want to see you love our system. We’re a small company that’s built around people like you. We’re here to help ensure that your hard earned money is well spent, and that you’re satisfied with your purchase. So sure that we’ve slapped a 45 day return policy on this system, without adding a beefy restocking fee that other companies charge.
- Each of our recovery systems comes with a 2 year, IRONCLAD protection policy. See? We really do want this to work for you!
Final Thoughts
So now you have a pretty good idea of what exactly dynamic compression is, and whether or not it’s right for you (hint, hint, it is). If you’re ready to order, you can check out our Pro Performance Recovery System.
If you have additional questions, or you’re still on the fence about committing to a compression system, we’re here to chat. We’re just a few clicks or a phone call away, ready to share all we know with you!

A Complete Guide to Air Travel with Your Bike
Whether you’re traveling for a big race or just excited to explore some new terrain, bringing your bike is a must. Unfortunately, air travel is a little more (fine, a lot more) complicated than strapping your bike into the rack on your car just before you hit the road. Bringing your bike on an airplane requires much more planning on the logistics front, as well as the financial front.
Do all airlines allow bikes? How much will this adventure cost? How do I keep my bike safe on the airplane? These are all some basic considerations to keep in mind when you’re planning your trip. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty of other things to know… before you go.
But there’s good news ahead! Through our own experience and research, we’ve compiled a complete guide of how to take your bike on an airplane. Up next, we’ll share all the details, so you can avoid any surprises along the way while successfully getting your bike from point A to point B.
Which Airlines are Bike Friendly?

First and foremost, what airlines even allow bikes? While many airlines claim bikes fly free, or that they’re a “bike friendly airline,” there’s often some hidden messages to decode.
For example, there are airlines that say you can check your bike as long as it fits within their size restrictions, but unless your bike is child-sized, or you’re fine taking it completely apart to get it to fit into a suitcase, then checking your bike isn’t an option.
Instead of doing a deep dive into each airline to:
- Determine whether or not bike travel is even an option,
- Figure out how you’re going to get your bike on the plane, and,
- Plan for how much this is going to set you back…
… we’ve put in the legwork to make a list for you. And, what you need to know with bike travel in each airline.
Southwest is a solid option for air travel with your bike, simply for the fact that they make it easy. Southwest will allow you to bring your bag, as long as it’s packed in a hard sided case. However, the bike bag is in place of one of your two luggage items. So you’ll have to pay for any additional checked bags. And, if you’re using a soft-sided case, you’re accepting Southwest’s limited release terms.
American Airlines
As long as your bike doesn’t weigh more than 50 lbs, it’s treated like a checked bag. And, even better, there are no extra fees. You’re simply paying the traditional baggage fees, which is just $30-$40.
Once upon a time, Delta charged upwards of $150 for cyclists to bring their bikes on their aircrafts. Thankfully, Delta recently revamped their bike policies, so air travel is much easier. Similar to AA’s bike policies, Delta charges a $30-$40 fee for bikes, as long as they’re packed in a hard-sided case.
For bikes in soft-sided cases, a limited release form is assessed, so they’re not responsible for any damages.
If your bike is packed properly and fits the standard weight limit (50 lbs. or less), it’s considered just regular baggage. You’ll still have to pay $25-$35 for the checked bag fee, but that’s not too bad. However, if your bike goes over the weight limit, or it’s bigger than 62 linear inches, you’ll be charged a pretty hefty oversized baggage fee. If it’s overweight, then you can expect to pay $100, but if it’s oversized, you’ll have to shell out $200! Insert scared face emoji here.
Other Considerations
These are our top three choices for bike-friendly airlines. Each of these airlines is easy to access, as they fly into most airports. These three airlines also make it easy to bring your bike, as long as you follow the rules.
In addition to the airline specific regulations listed above, these are a few other things to keep in mind that apply to all three airlines:
- Bikes weighing over the specific weight limits will be charged a fee for overweight baggage.
- All bike carrying bags must still fit within the specified range of length and width restrictions. Be sure to measure before you bring your bike to make sure it fits.
- Read the fine print. As of now, the above information is accurate, but airlines are notorious for sneaking additional fees into airfare, so it’s always wise to double check.
- Each airline has a specific way to pack your bike, but all require pedals to be removed. Some require handlebars facing a certain way, while others just ask that they’re taken off. Check the specific airline you’re flying to make sure you’re following their rules.
For a quick overview of what you can expect when traveling with your bike on each of these airlines, check out this table:
Size/Weight Restrictions |
Fees |
Other Helpful Hints |
Southwest |
American |
Delta |
United |
The bottom line here is that no matter what airline you’re flying, you’re at their mercy to safely get your bike to your destination. And let’s be honest, what’s more disappointing than booking a trip to explore Moab, or finally realizing your dream of competing in the Malibu Triathlon… only to have your bike get left behind? So once you land on an airline choice, pay close attention to their details.
How to Pack Your Bike for Air Travel
Your ultimate end game here is to get your bike to your final destination, all in one piece. Well, not all in one piece per se, since you’ll be breaking it down into a few pieces before you go. But you get the drift here. You don’t want to leave too much up to the airline, and if you’ve ever seen luggage being tossed into the cargo hold, then you know exactly why it’s important to pack your bag carefully.
Choose Your Bag
While it would be really nice to just roll your bike right down the jet ramp and onto the airplane, clearly that’s just not the case. What you need is a storage bag that protects your bike while en route to your destination. And, a bag that’s already anticipated any potential disasters and prevents them before they even happen.
Here are a few things to consider in choosing the best bag for travel with your bike:
- How easy is it to navigate a busy airport with your bag in tow?
- Does the bag meet guidelines for the airlines you use frequently, or plan to use frequently?
- Is there a separate compartment for the bike chain, to prevent a potentially messy situation when you unpack your bike?
- What kind of bike can you fit in the bike travel bag?
- How sturdy is the material used to make the bag? Again… careful isn’t the main priority for baggage handlers when they’re responsible for getting thousands of pounds of luggage on the plane within a short amount of time.
- Is the bag easy to store when it’s not in use?
Our FREEDOM Bike Travel Bag considers all of the above, and more. Here are a few key features that make this bike travel bag one to the top choices, and best options for your travels:
- When your bike is securely packed in this bag, the dimensions read 53" x 31" x 15,” so it fits right in with most airline restrictions.
- The FREEDOM bag is fabricated with incredibly durable ripstop nylon. And, there’s a zipper closure to keep everything safely tucked away inside the bag during travel.
- This bag is made for mountain bikes and triathlon bikes.
- Everything has a home in this case. There are compartments galore! When you pack your bike, you’ll know exactly where you put everything, making unpacking and assembling a much easier task.
Prep Your Bike
Again, it’s really important that you pay attention to the specs required for the airline your traveling. But, for each of the airlines we’ve mentioned here, you’ll at least need to follow these steps:
- Remove the handlebars, wheels, saddle and pedals.
- Let just a little bit of air out of the tires. There’s a significant change in pressure with air travel, so this is a necessary precaution to help avoid tire damage.
- Carefully wrap parts with bubble wrap. Use tape to secure the ends.
- Label each piece. You’ll know what they are, but this will just help streamline your assembly process later.
- Make sure to keep all necessary tools and screws/bolts with your bike when you’re breaking it down.
Pack It Up
If you’re using our FREEDOM bag, this part is easy peasy! Just put each of the parts in it’s designated home. Include tools and screws/bolts. Again, keeping the chain separate is essential, so you don’t unpack your bike to find everything covered in grease. Yuck!
Label the Bag
Make sure you have an identification tag that’s easily visible on your bike bag. While we all like to think it’s impossible to lose a piece of luggage like a bike, this is one of those better to be safe than sorry situations.
Also, many bags, like our FREEDOM bag, make it known that there’s a bike inside. Other bags do not, so it’s important to label the outside of the bag, to make it easier on those that check the bags, and load them onto the aircraft.
Tips and Tricks for Air Travel with Your Bike
We’ve done this song and dance a time or two, and learned lots of things along the way. So, instead of learning from your own mistakes, we’ll do you a favor and share all the mistakes we’ve made, so you don’t have to learn the hard way!
Here are just a few things that will make your life a little easier when traveling with your bike, from packing to unpacking, and everything in between:
- Before you remove the seat, use a piece of tape to mark the height.
- Remember how they remind you a million times that objects may shift during flight? Take that to heart while packing your bike, and leave as little room for movement as humanly possible. The less wiggle and jiggle inside the bag, the better.
- Keep the tools with the bike, just safely wrapped. Do not, again, do not, put the tools in your carry-on bag. They’ll get taken away at security. Just don’t do it.
- Measure and weigh several times just to make sure your bike really fits the airlines restrictions, no questions asked.
- Even though your bag might have wheels, there are going to be some points along your journey that you have to hoist your bag into place. Be mindful while packing, so you don’t make your bag too heavy.
Final Thoughts
And there you have it! The ins and outs of air travel with a bike. Not just any bike, your bike. So therefore, it’s important that you get it to your final destination without issue. Luckily, if you follow our guide above, that shouldn’t be a problem.
If you’re planning an upcoming trip and hoping to take your bike on the airplane with you, then a bike bag is a must. Consider our FREEDOM bag to keep your bike safe and secure during travel. Safe travels!

The Skinny v1
Looking for a win/win? Check out The Don Kit by Endura, all profits go to help Tim Don recover. Also, the book of all books for age group triathletes who want to go the distance while juggling work, family, etc.