The Essential Gear for Gravel Riding?
June 26, 2024

The Essential Gear for Gravel Riding?

Gravel riding is like dancing with nature - an exhilarating combination of road cycling and mountain biking that blends the thrills and challenges of each. But to stay upright on this uneven dance floor, proper gear must be in your arsenal; let's dive into what must-haves exist when gravel riding!

The Bike

Gravel Bike Features

A gravel bike is the star of the show. These bikes come with features tailored for the bumpy, unpredictable paths. Think relaxed geometry for comfort, wider tires for grip, and disc brakes for stopping power. It’s all about control and comfort.

Choosing the Right Bike

When picking your bike, consider your ride style and terrain. You want a bike that's versatile and tough. SpeedHound’s bikes are fantastic choices, built to handle everything from smooth gravel to rocky trails.

Tires and Wheels

Importance of Tire Selection

Tires are the shoes for your bike, and choosing the right ones can make or break your ride. Wider tires (35-45mm) give you the grip and cushioning needed for rough trails.

Tubeless vs. Tubed Tires

Tubeless tires are a favorite for gravel riders—they let you ride with lower pressure for better traction and fewer flats. Tubed tires, though, are easier to fix if you do get a puncture.

Wheel Strength and Durability

Your wheels need to be as tough as nails. Opt for wheels designed for off-road use; they’re built to handle the rough and tumble of gravel paths.


Comfort and Performance

Comfort is key on long rides. Good cycling gear enhances your performance and protects you from the elements.



SpeedHound Essential Cycling Jersey and Bib

The SpeedHound Essential Cycling Jersey and Bib are your best pals on the trail. The jersey wicks away moisture to keep you cool and dry, and the bib shorts provide superb support and comfort. They’re designed to keep you riding happily all day long.

Layering for Weather Conditions

Weather can be unpredictable, so layering is your friend. Start with a base layer, then add your jersey. Pack a lightweight jacket for wind and rain protection.

Helmet and Safety Gear

Choosing the Right Helmet

Your helmet is your lifeline. Choose one that fits well, has good ventilation, and features advanced safety tech like MIPS (Multi-directional Impact Protection System).

Additional Safety Gear

Gloves, glasses, and padded shorts add to your comfort and safety. They protect you from falls, debris, and saddle soreness.

Hydration and Nutrition

Importance of Staying Hydrated

Hydration is crucial. Dehydration can sap your energy and make your ride a slog.

Best Hydration Packs and Bottles

Hydration packs let you carry more water and drink hands-free. Water bottles mounted on your bike frame are also a solid choice. Make sure they’re easy to reach.

Nutrition Tips for Long Rides

Fuel your ride with energy bars, gels, and snacks. Eat small, frequent amounts to keep your energy levels up.

Tools and Repair Kits

Essential Tools to Carry

Always carry a basic tool kit: multi-tool, tire levers, spare tube, patch kit, and a mini pump or CO2 inflator.

Quick Fixes for Common Issues

Learn how to fix a flat tire and adjust your gears. These skills can save your ride from disaster.

Navigation and Communication

GPS Devices and Apps

Navigation is key, especially on unfamiliar trails. Use GPS devices or apps like Strava and Komoot to plan and track your route.

Importance of Communication Devices

Carry a smartphone and consider a personal locator beacon for remote rides. Always inform someone about your route and expected return time.

Lights and Visibility

Daytime Running Lights

Lights increase your visibility, even during the day. Use bright front and rear lights to ensure you’re seen.

Night Riding Essentials

For night rides, invest in powerful lights. Headlamps and rear lights are essential for safety.

Bike Bags and Storage

Frame Bags, Saddle Bags, and More

Storage solutions like frame bags, saddle bags, and handlebar bags help you carry essentials without hindering your ride.

Organizing Your Gear

Organize your gear for easy access. Keep frequently used items within reach and pack heavier items lower and centered.

Recovery Gear

Importance of Post-Ride Recovery

Recovery is crucial. It helps reduce muscle soreness and prepares you for your next ride.



SpeedHound ProPerformance Recovery System

The SpeedHound ProPerformance Recovery System speeds up recovery by increasing blood flow to your muscles. This dynamic air compression system helps reduce soreness and gets you back in the saddle quicker.

SpeedHound Compression Recovery Boots

The SpeedHound Compression Recovery boots is another great tool. It uses targeted compression to boost blood flow, reduce muscle fatigue, and promote faster recovery. Perfect for those tough, grueling rides.

Bike Maintenance

Routine Checks and Maintenance

Keep your bike in top shape with regular maintenance. Check your brakes, gears, and tire pressure before each ride.

Cleaning and Lubrication Tips

After each ride, clean your bike to remove dirt and debris. Lubricate the chain and moving parts to keep everything running smoothly.

Training and Preparation

Physical Training for Gravel Riding

Gravel riding requires stamina and strength. Mix in cross-training and interval workouts to build endurance and power.

Preparing for Different Terrains

Each terrain is unique. Train on various surfaces to improve your handling skills and adaptability.

Tips for Beginners

Starting with Gravel Riding

Start with shorter rides to build confidence. Gradually increase your distance and join local group rides to learn from experienced riders.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid overpacking, improper tire pressure, and neglecting hydration. Learn from others and stay informed about best practices.


Gravel riding is an adventure waiting to happen. With the right gear, including a solid gravel bike, comfortable apparel like the SpeedHound Essential Cycling Jersey and Bib, and effective recovery systems, you’re set for an unforgettable ride. Stay hydrated, carry essential tools, and prepare well. Happy riding!




What is the best type of bike for gravel riding?

A gravel bike with wider tires, relaxed geometry, and disc brakes is ideal for handling various terrains.

How do I choose the right tire pressure?

Tire pressure depends on the terrain and your weight. Lower pressures provide better traction, while higher pressures offer more speed on smooth surfaces.

What should I eat before and during a long ride?

Before a ride, consume a balanced meal with carbs, protein, and fats. During the ride, eat small, easily digestible snacks regularly.

How can I improve my recovery after a ride?

Using a recovery system like the SpeedHound ProPerformance Recovery System or the SpeedHound Compression Recovery boots, staying hydrated, and consuming protein-rich foods can aid in faster recovery.

What are some common gravel riding mistakes to avoid?

Avoid overpacking, improper tire pressure, and neglecting hydration. Always plan your route and inform someone about your ride plans.